CANADA: Le marché cosmétique - Tendances et opportunités

Découvrez une nouvelle série de webinaires, créée par Global Cosmetics Cluster, afin d'explorer le marché mondial de l'industrie parfumerie-cosmétique. Un excellent moyen pour recueillir des informations sur le marché et trouver de nouvelles opportunités de croissance.

La première session se déroulera le mardi 14 mai à 13h (CET), organisé par notre partenaire canadien, le Canadian Cosmetic Cluster. 

Au programme: Ecosystème canadien, tendances, chiffres clés, opportunités de collaboration... 

Inscrivez-vous ici :

Pour information, la partie 2, se tiendra le lundi 17 juin à 13h (CET).


Join us for an informative webinar that will be in two parts on practical information on information that will help access the Canadian Cosmetic Market. The first webinar is focused on trends, statistics, and market research that will give an overview of the Canadian cosmetic market. The focus will be on opportunities across the supply chain of the industry. We will highlight opportunities for different companies from suppliers, to brands. The second part of the webinar is focused on practical information from regulatory to business registration to help you settle your business in Canada. 

  • Part 1: Overview of the Canadian Cosmetic Market

  • Focus: Trends, Statistics, and Market Research

  • Objective: To provide a comprehensive understanding of the Canadian cosmetic market landscape.

  • Content

  • Trends: Examination of current and emerging trends within the Canadian cosmetic industry, including consumer preferences, product innovations, and market dynamics.
    Statistics: Presentation of relevant statistical data regarding the size, growth rate, and segmentation of the Canadian cosmetic market.
    Market Research: Insights from market research studies, consumer surveys, and industry reports to help attendees grasp the market's nuances and potential opportunities.

  • Key Emphasis:
    Opportunities across the supply chain: From ingredient suppliers to finished product brands, attendees will gain insights into various opportunities within the cosmetic industry.

  • Highlighting opportunities: Identification of specific areas where companies can capitalize on the Canadian market, emphasizing potential growth areas and niches.

