Intelligence Artificielle et Beauté

Programme de conférence sur le salon Cosmetic 360

Carroussel du Louvre - 12 et 13 octobre 2022


Conférences dispensées en anglais


Beauty x Artificial Intelligence

AI is the future of beauty, from marketing to industrial competitivity, the whole cosmetic industry is living an industrial revolution with this new technology. Far from replacing human, AI enables to save time (and money) and enhance competitivity.
In a complex world where data is the new gold, AI enables company to face issue such as life cycle management and monitoring of environmental data, design new product, predict molecule activity, and much more…


Discover all these topics in the conference program on Cosmetic 360

Sponsored by ECOMUNDO

Wednesday October the 12th
Session 1 : AI revolution and social acceptance
11h30-12h - AI and social acceptance

Yves Lostanlen, CEO of Sensei Advisory

Session 2 : AI for beauty sustainability
14h-14h30 : Forest restauration management and consumer engagement with AI

Alban Bressand, Co Founder Reforestum


14h30-15h : How can we use AI to achieve sustainable goals

Sana Dubarry, Sustainability Advisor Microsoft


15h-16h : AI for Environnement, Can technology impact productivity, safety as well as the planet ?

Panel by Thomas FAUVEL, Choose Paris Region - Guillaume Le Vézouët, CYM - Predictive Maintenance, Amine Benhenni, Dataswati, Anthony Boulanger, Greentropism

Thursday October the 13th
Session 3 : AI for beauty industry
10h-10h30 : AI-powered prediction of antimicrobial protection of cosmetics (Challenge Test)

Jean-Raphael Miron, Technical & IT Director (Partner founder) & Anna Perfetto, PhD AI engineer EcoMundo


10h30-11h30 : How factories can use AI ? Improving Quality, Lean Management & Design

Panel by Renan Devillieres, Founer CEO of OSS Ventures with François Dechelette, CEO et Octave Lapeyronie, CPO fabriq , Galem Kayo, CEO Automi AI


11h30 - 12h : How AI enhance development and production of cosmetic ingredients

Philippe Robin, CEO of Alysophil

Session 4 : AI & Metaverse for beauty marketing
13h-13h30 : From image acquisition to data quantification: how AI helps active ingredients development?

Pauline Rouaud-Tinguely, Innovation Management project leader SILAB


13h30 - 14h : Predicting Consumer Interest

Sourav Goswami, CEO of

14h-14h30 : From trends’ detection to breakthrough services, the AI-powered marketeer

Stephane Lannuzel, Beautytech Program Director L'Oréal

14h30-15h : Metaverse, Web 3.0 : exploring the new frontier of beauty ?

Virgile Brodziak, Managing Director Wunderman Thompson


Registration :


Conférences Sponsorisées par EcoMundo - les conérences sont libre d'accès sans réservaton dans la limite de la capacité de la salle (80 personnes maximum) . Il est nécessaire de s'acquiter du badge d'entrée au salon (45€ HT)

