Opportunités et informations pratiques pour développer son business au Canada

"Access to Global Cosmetic Market":  une nouvelle série de webinaires, proposée par Global Cosmetics Cluster, afin d'explorer le marché mondial de l'industrie parfumerie-cosmétique. Un excellent moyen pour recueillir des informations sur les marchés et trouver de nouvelles opportunités de croissance.

Après une première session sur le marché canadien riche en information (replay disponible), ne manquez pas la deuxième session qui se déroulera le lundi 17 juin à 13h (CET), organisé par notre partenaire, le Canadian Cosmetic Cluster.

Inscrivez-vous ici !

Webinar d'1h en anglais


Au programme de cette deuxième session: Opportunités, informations pratiques, réglementation...

=> Practical Information for Business Set-Up in Canada

  • Focus: Regulatory Compliance and Business Operations

  • Objective: To guide participants through the necessary steps and considerations for establishing and operating a cosmetic business in Canada.

  • Regulatory Requirements: Overview of Canadian regulations governing the cosmetic industry, including product labeling, ingredient restrictions, and compliance with Health Canada standards.

  • Business Registration: Guidance on the legal and administrative processes involved in registering a business entity in Canada, including corporate structure, tax obligations, and licensing requirements.

  • Settling Your Business: Practical tips and resources for navigating the Canadian business environment, including cultural considerations, networking opportunities, and support services for entrepreneurs.

  • Key Emphasis:

  • Practical Information: Providing actionable advice and resources to help participants overcome potential hurdles and successfully establish their business operations in Canada.

  • Comprehensive Support: Addressing both regulatory compliance and operational challenges ensures attendees are equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the complexities of entering the Canadian market.

    This webinar aims to equip participants with the necessary insights and practical guidance to access and thrive in the Canadian cosmetic market, covering both strategic market analysis and operational considerations for business setup and growth.


