AMI Supply of recycled plastics

To respond to the climate emergency, the cosmetics perfumery industry must act to reduce its dependence on petro-sourced plastic and find ways to supply recycled plastics.

The AGEC law publishes the 3R decree setting a target for the reuse of plastic packaging recycling for the period 2021-2025.

The FEBEA Plastic Act therefore sets a minimum objective of reincorporating 10 to 25% recycled plastic in cosmetic packaging by 2025.

  • The opportunity for recycled plastic suppliers setting up in France

Many companies to produce circular plastic are currently entering the industrialization phase and are investing to set up in France, solutions should arrive on the market by 2025.
Players such as Carbios, Eastman and Loop will make it possible to process plastic waste to manufacture virgin resin and be able to incorporate recycled plastic into packaging.

  • The challenge ahead

Obtaining recycled plastic supplies for ETIs and SMEs can be complicated because these companies do not have sufficient volume to weigh in negotiations with recycled plastic suppliers.

  • The Solution offered by Cosmetic Valley

We suggest that you provide us with your volume in tonnes of plastic currently used in your packaging and if possible with a projection for 2025.
It is above all the 2025 quantities that will interest us. This will allow us to have considerable weight in negotiating with recycled plastic suppliers.

Please answer the questionnaire via the button below on your supply needs by type of plastic material in an anonymous and confidential manner. Only the aggregated result will be transmitted to the suppliers concerned.

 Click here to take the survey

Questionnaire open until April 29, 2022

For any information Florence Clouard [email protected]

