COSMETIC VALLEY is the organization that brings together, coordinates and supports companies, research centers, universities and schools in the French perfumery-cosmetics sector.
As a major player in economic development, COSMETIC VALLEY, in partnership with local authorities, promotes growth and innovation in the sector and contributes to the international influence of the French cosmetics industry.
COSMETIC VALLEY defends the voice of a network of more than 6,300 establishments of all sizes (85% VSE/SME/ETI, and all world leaders), representing nearly 226,000 jobs for a turnover of €71 billion.
COSMETIC VALLEY represents, on behalf of the industry, the values of Universal utility, Human well-being, Responsibility towards the living, Freedom and Scientific progress. These values, pillars of Made in France, are united around the signature FRANCE CARES FOR YOUR SKIN, place the sector in a promise of a mission of general interest, enhancing the entire industry.
Discover the creation of the first network
entirely dedicated to the perfumery-cosmetics sector
Birth of the first cosmetic perfumery network in the world
Heading towards export with the Cosmetic Valley France brand
Research and training dynamics
Deployment throughout France
Creation of the first international network of cosmetics industry associations
Launch of the 1st sectoral embassy: FFCE (French Fragrance and Cosmetics Embassy) China
Opening of the International House of Cosmetics
From the 1970s, the development of the cosmetic perfumery sector encouraged many renowned brands and their suppliers (VSEs-SMEs) to set up their factories one hour south and west of Paris. An industrial fabric is gradually developing.
1994: birth of the SME association
It all starts with the observation of a handful of entrepreneurs gathered around Jean-Luc Ansel, who wish to promote collaborations and work together in a short circuit. An association is created in Chartres with the support of local authorities and Jean-Paul Guerlain agrees to take the presidency.
1996: “Cosmetic Valley France”, the export brand of the sector
The association decides to support its SMEs in major exports by organizing a collective pavilion at the Hong Kong trade show. The links are strengthened between business leaders who then become aware of the unique nature of the approach: a sort of Silicon Valley of the beauty industry! The idea is gaining ground, SMEs are choosing the “Cosmetic Valley France” brand as the banner of Made In France internationally. Its logo will be the peony, symbol of beauty in Asia.
2005: innovation at the heart of the strategy
Labeled a competitiveness cluster , Cosmetic Valley now combines research and training with its strategy. Cosmetic Valley initiates collaborative projects between companies and public laboratories, and promotes the emergence of training adapted to the needs of manufacturers. This work lays the foundations for recognition of cosmetic research.
2014: a national sector strategy
At the request of companies in the sector, the State and local authorities entrust Cosmetic Valley with the mission of coordinating the national ecosystem to strengthen its position as world leader. This is reflected in the implementation of a sector action plan, the development of the network in metropolitan France and overseas, as well as the opening of Cosmetic Valley offices in the New Aquitaine and Normandy regions.
2016: an international network
With 20 years of international relations and after helping to create associations of cosmetics manufacturers on 5 continents, Cosmetic Valley is launching the Global Cosmetics Cluster with its partners. A tool at the service of international business development.
2023: Launch of the 1st sectoral embassy: FFCE (French Fragrance and Cosmetics Embassy) China
2028: International House of Cosmetics
An exceptional place will soon open its doors in Chartres. A house at the service of companies and territories in the sector, conducive to the exchange of ideas, skills and professions, a vector of creativity and innovation. As for the general public, they will be immersed in the excellence of Made in France, industry innovations and new trends.