The Scientific Committee of the congress is launching a call for oral communications until MARCH 14, 2025
The COSMETIC ENVIRONMENT & SAFETY congress is back for its fourth edition!
On the agenda for this day, discover innovations with positive impacts on product safety, human safety and the environment.
Planetary boundaries are the thresholds that humanity should not exceed, in order to live sustainably in a safe ecosystem. According to IPCC researchers, since 2023, six of these nine boundaries are considered to have been exceeded, and 2 are on the verge of being exceeded.
Faced with these developments, the industry is changing, and the cosmetics sector , an industrial economic pillar of France, is playing its part by committing to an industry with positive impacts.
What better ambassador than the cosmetics industry to embody the integrated and unifying “One Health” approach: a single health for living beings and ecosystems, while maintaining Research, innovation, and Safety at the heart of its developments.
The Cosmetic Environment & Safety 2025 congress will focus on presenting the approaches and advances in terms of eco-design and impact assessment, particularly the actions implemented for the preservation of water resources.
Two topics of interest will be at the heart of the 2025 edition:
#Consumer information #content/container interactions #NIAS #risk analysis #co-products #ecosourcing #upcycling #sustainability #green innovation #toxicity & ecotoxicity #refill #soil regeneration
#water saving #water footprint #generative hydrology #wastewater treatment and recovery #water pollution
More information: Fanny AUDOUIT - faudouit@cosmetic-valley.com