New in 2022 – "Tailor-made" training
À°Å¸"œÂ¢ Cosmetic Valley, specialist in training engineering, designs modules adapted to your needs.
Thanks to our ecosystem of more than 600 members (VSEs, SMEs, groups, research laboratories, training centers), we identify the best experts on specific subjects (optical microscopy, 3D printing, treatments and characteristics of the skin, etc.). .).
À°Å¸"™Âª Success stories: Groupe SEB, Caudalie, Groupe PUIG, Coptis, Transition DD, VMI, etc.
À°Å¸"° Flexibility and personalization of your training as well as different learning methods will be offered to you: e-learning, conference, practical workshops...
À¢Å¡Â¡To find out more, contact Véronique Beaujouan > vbeaujouan@cosmetic-valley.com