Braving the snow of the last few days, on November 20 & 21, 2024, more than 670 participants gathered in the brand new event complex of Chartres Métropole, the Illiade, and remotely, to attend the Regulatory Issues - Perfumes & Cosmetics congress.
These two days, rich in content, allowed regulatory affairs departments from around the world (10% of international participants) to take stock of developments in the sector, through 16 conferences.
Considered one of the most demanding in the world, European regulations impose increasingly strict regulatory changes on the sector, to which are added environmental regulations, which directly impact it. On the international level, exporting products to China is becoming more complex with the current "China First" policy, as is entering the American market, in connection with the current political situation.
These are all essential subjects that the participants were able to address over two days, in direct contact with the supervisory authorities , present to discuss with the congress participants: European Commission, General Commission for Sustainable Development, DGCCRF and for the first time ANSES.
In addition, various manufacturers came to share their regulatory expertise on topics such as microplastics, PPWR and international issues.
Finally, the Cosmetics Europe association and the FEBEA federation were also faithful to the meeting, making their expertise available to participants through a question and answer session that was always appreciated.
In conclusion, the entire profession gathered in Chartres, making it the capital of regulation for two days!
See you on November 19 & 20, 2025 , for the 23rd edition of the Regulatory Issues - Perfumes & Cosmetics congress