Energy cost issues are at the heart of the concerns of project owners.
At the same time, various regulations are establishing obligations for new and existing buildings.
We therefore wish to provide information to members, in order to successively address: the current situation, the issues, the obligations, the solutions, the financing, and the possible subsidies.
Come and chat with:
Marceau CARTRY
Sales Manager Project Management
Specialty: energy transition
ZAN (zero net artificialization)
Tertiary and BACS Decrees
Register for this webinar via the COSMETIC VALLEY Live platform and let yourself be guided
Membership: free
Non-member: €80 excluding VAT (€88 including VAT)
Payment required by credit card upon registration
The Cosmetic Regulation Webinar aims to provide practical and up-to-date information in French on cosmetic regulations at national, European and international level.
They rely on our partners, experts who position themselves on a current regulatory subject and on the content they wish to share.
What is the process?
These 1-hour webinars are presented in the format of 3 presentation sessions + questions/answers