How to develop your business in CANADA?

“Access to Global Cosmetic Market” is a new webinar series, offered by Global Cosmetics Cluster , to explore the global market for the perfume-cosmetics industry. A great way to gather market intelligence and find new growth opportunities.

The first “Access to Global Cosmetic Market” webinars were dedicated to CANADA, presented by our partner, the Canadian Cosmetic Cluster.

On the webinar program: Canadian ecosystem, trends, key figures, collaboration opportunities, regulations...

Are you interested in the Canadian market? You didn't have the opportunity to participate... Check out the replays:

  • From the first webinar, on the cosmetics and perfumery market in Canada: here
  • From the second webinar, on cosmetic regulations in Canada: here

Stay connected to discover our next webinars!

Japanese and Italian markets are expected to arrive by the end of the year.

