Launch of the ACTT4COSMETICS project
Cosmetic Valley will cover the next 5 years with a project called ACTT4Cosmetics (Improve Interconnected innovation ecosystems supporting Actions for Citizen awareness and Twin Transition in the entire cosmetic value chain) , co-funded by the European Union, which aims to strengthen the European ecosystem innovation in the field of cosmetics by building on the strengths of existing ecosystems and supporting less advanced areas of innovation.
The project brings together 8 partners and 2 associated partners from 6 countries (France, Italy, Portugal, Poland, Romania and Ukraine):
- 1 Coordinator : Cosmetic Valley
- 7 Partners :
- Loire Valley Center Region (France)
- Dev'up (France)
- REI (Italy)
- Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
- AEBB (Portugal)
- Labfit (Portugal)
- University of LifeScience (Poland)
- 2 Associated Partners :
- Cosmetic Perfumery Association of Ukraine (Ukraine)
- North West Region Economic Development Agency (Romania)
The project will propose a program of joint actions which will be structured around working groups which will promote the deployment of collaborative innovation, responding to the main local and European challenges for green and digital transitions as well as the consumer and citizen. This action program, which will be part of the member benefits, will be unveiled shortly.
The first launch meeting (Kick off meeting) will take place within the Regional Council of the Center Val de Loire region in Orléans, on May 22 and 23, then the partners will be able to participate in the Cosm'innov congress, on which the project will be presented. officially.
This project is a continuation of the actions carried out within the framework of the European interregional partnership "Go4Cosmetics". Indeed, to carry the voice of the cosmetics industry on a European scale and boost collaborative innovation, Cosmetic Valley and its partners, first and foremost the Center – Val de Loire (France) and Lombardy (Italy) regions, created and structured a European interregional partnership dedicated to the perfumery-cosmetics industry: Go4Cosmetics, labeled “Thematic Smart Specialization Partnership” by the European Commission. In one year, the network has grown considerably: it already has 10 regions in Europe that make cosmetics a priority to invest in training, skills, innovation and industry.