Registration - Poles Day: The circular economy, a cross-sector issue

The Cergy-Pontoise urban community and its partner Competitiveness Clusters, COSMETIC VALLEY, national coordinator of the cosmetics sector, NEXTMOVE dedicated to mobility and the automobile industry and SYSTEMATIC PARIS REGION devoted to DeepTech, invite you to attend this round table and discover the testimony of companies from different sectors on the subject of the reuse of products, materials and solutions .

With the intervention of CHIMIREC CDS, COSMETIC VALLEY member at our round table , the company carries out the collection, grouping, treatment of hazardous industrial waste , with a specialization in cosmetic products and perfumes . They have set up deconditioning tools that aim to achieve 100% reuse / revaluation on this type of product (separation and recovery of cardboard, glass, plastics, alcoholic juices, cosmetic juices).

