Survey on the training needs of companies in the perfume and cosmetics sector

Serving the French sector, since our origins we have been committed to developing employability in the regions and promoting the development of skills for each player.

A training organization since 2011, Cosmetic Valley has acquired over the years the expertise to provide you with quality training that is ever closer to the reality of your professions.

Obtaining our Qualiopi certification renewal issued in December 2024 is proof of this. It is a real mark of recognition for our organization. It confirms the rigor of our work, our search for adequate methods and relevant educational content that we work on with our expert trainers.

Also, always keen to improve the quality of our processes and to offer you training modules that meet your expectations, we are launching a major survey among companies in the sector in order to gather your most pressing training needs.

Your opinion is important to us and useful to us!

We are asking for 5 minutes of your time to answer the questionnaire, the link to which you will find below.

We give you free rein to express your needs. The analysis of your responses will allow us to build a new offer focused on your "core business" topics and skills development needs.

Please click on the following link to answer our questionnaire >

With a very sincere thank you to each of you for your feedback on this survey!

Your contact on Employment and Training topics: Véronique Beaujouan

Such. 06 95 62 72 51 - email:

