Cosmetic Webinar Regulation: New regulation of cosmetic products in the United States: “The Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act (MoCRA)”?

Cosmetic Webinar Regulation

New regulations for cosmetic products in the United States:
The Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act ( MoCRA )” ?

Thursday April 25, 2024
2-3 p.m.

MoCRA Compliance ; understand these new regulations and how to prepare for them?

This webinar will allow us to understand this new regulation (New definitions), the different expected deadlines (Collection of adverse effects, registration of establishments, registration of finished products, safety assessment, GMP, etc.) and how to prepare today for respect these new rules.

Come and chat with:

Image removed.

Speakers :

Chloe Boutrois
Intertek Assuris France, Technical team leader – Cosmetic regulations, Europe and International

Guillaume Letellier,
Assuris USA, Expert Toxicologist Manager – Regulation and safety of cosmetic products – USA regulations

In the program :


  • Understand the new MoCRA regulations; difference with current regulations, new definitions, deadlines.
  • Registrations of establishments and cosmetic products: understanding who is concerned (role and responsibility) and how to carry out these registrations (who? how?)
  • Other important points: Adverse reactions, safety assessment, labeling, GMP.

Registration :

Register for this webinar via the COSMETIC VALLEY Live platform and let yourself be guided

Prices :

Member: free
Non-member: €80 excluding tax (€88 including tax)
Payment required by credit card upon registration

What is a Cosmetic Regulation Webinar?

The Cosmetic Regulation Webinar aims to provide practical and current information in French on cosmetic regulations at the national, European and international level.
They rely on our partners, experts who position themselves on a current regulatory subject and on the content they wish to share.

What is the process?
These 1-hour webinars are presented in the format of 3 presentation sessions + questions/answers

Contact Cosmetic Valley:
Nathalie SIMONIN
[email protected]

