Boost your business opportunities on a European scale

A matchmaking platform, what doyou think?
Discover your European networking platform, set up a few months ago to boost your business opportunities!
Ready to discover the B2B Businessplace?
  • Are you looking for a partner or supplier who can meet your needs?
  • Do you want to make your offer known in a few clicks?
  • Do you want to find all the offers & requests published by the registered companies & position your company as THE ideal partner?
All this is now possible via a single space: the B2B Businessplace!

The B2B Businessplace in a nutshell:
  • Free access and available Europe-wide
  • Open to the entire value chain of the cosmetic perfumery industry
  • Developed as part of the Global Cosmetics Cluster - Europe acceleration program
Faced with so many opportunities, we suspect that a question comes to mind: How to access them?

To do this, nothing could be simpler, as a Cosmetic Valley member, all you have to do is register for free on the platform.

It's time to boost European collaborations!
I access the B2B Businessplace
I discover the user guide

More information? Contact Ségolène LELOUTRE

[email protected]

