Call for projects "Industrial Projects of the Future" (PIAVE)

This Call for Projects is aimed at projects that are part of the approach of the 9 solutions of New Industrial France:

- Data saving

- Smart Objects

- Digital Trust

- Smart power supply

- New resources

- Sustainable city

- Ecological mobility

- Transport of tomorrow

- Medicine of the future

Can your address project be one of these topics?

To be eligible, you must:

- Present a program with a minimum expenditure of 3M€,

- Have a theme with business and job prospects

- Whether the project is carried by a company or a group of companies.

Eligible expenditure for development work followed by industrialization of one or more products, processes or services, not available on the market and with a high innovative content.

Calendar: Open until July 28, 2017

More in detail.

To further study your approach, contact us!

