Cosmetic 360 is present in 2022 for the International Year of Glass

Did you know ?

The UN General Assembly adopted by consensus, on May 18, a resolution proclaiming 2022 “International Year of Glass”.
The General Assembly of the United Nations recalls that glass is an actor in sustainable development.

Thanks to its versatility and unparalleled technical capabilities, glass, in its many forms, has fostered countless cultural and scientific advances.

This resolution entitled "2022, International Year of Glass" therefore emphasizes the ecological virtues of glass, and its vocation to replace packaging plastics.

Since its launch, Cosmetic 360 has attached great importance to promoting the exchange of best practices between sectors, thus nourishing everyone's thinking.

On October 12 and 13 , on the occasion of the International Year of Glass, Cosmetic 360 will offer an activity area revealing the prospects for innovation around this material.

Don't miss this appointment...

For any information, contact the Cosmetic 360 team: [email protected] .

