Cosmetic Contact New Aquitaine - Agoulême

D-7 to register in person


Don't hesitate any longer, come and meet raw material suppliers, formulators, test companies, an agricultural cooperative, start-ups, biosourced pack suppliers, brands...

-> they are registered in addition to the Pitch:

Yves-Rocher, Silab, LysPacking, Art&Cos, Cocoricosmetic, Atlanpack, HolisteBioGemme, ElysiaBiosciences, Rivadis laboratory, wastmeup, CRT Agir, Aquitaine Sciences Transfert....

Register online

The Cosmetic Valley Cluster is organizing its fifth “Cosmetic Contact Nouvelle-Aquitaine”, on July 7, 2022 at the Eurekatech Technopole in Angoulême

A friendly day of business R&D meetings between manufacturers, public laboratories, and training organizations from the entire perfumery - cosmetics sector.
This year the theme in the spotlight is "agriculture and cosmetics".

You will find our regional specialty there, the " skills wall of those present ":
Made up of "profile sheets" published during registration, this very visual wall will facilitate your interactions on site.


So don't wait, register online

by carefully specifying what your structure does and what you are looking for.



9:30 a.m .: Welcome coffee & “wall of skills of those present”

10 a.m.: Intro

Technopole Grand Angouleme

Cosmetic Valley, Soline GODET , DGA Enterprises and Territories

Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, Patrice BOUTENEGRE , Regional Councilor - Elected representative of the South Charente region

10.20 a.m.: The Cosmetic Valley Pole in New Aquitaine

Soline GODET, Nathalie SIMONIN

10:30 a.m .: Round Table: Agriculture & Cosmetics

New Aquitaine Agricultural Coop, Mansle Coop , Tony FOUCHE

Biossent , Sophie DETERRE

Color of Plants , Christelle BRUNET

On The Wilde Side , Anne-Sophie NARDY

11:30 a.m .: Start-up and Tech dynamics, Cosmetic Valley

Aline LANDIER, Cosmetic Valley

12: 30-2 :00 p.m.: Lunch cocktail


In the afternoon, an à la carte program: Wall of skills for those present / meetings / company pitches


2 p.m .: 5 company pitches


3:00 p.m .: Break + skills wall


3:30 p.m .: 5 company pitches

  • Science and Nature Laboratory
  • LABEXAN laboratory
  • University of Bordeaux – International Masters


5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m .: Conclusion & end



Non-member of the Cosmetic Valley cluster: €40 excl. tax
member of the Cosmetic Valley Pole: €20 excl. tax

Payment required upon registration
Registration is done exclusively online, we invite you to register before July 1, 2022



Technopole EUREKATECH - Krysalide

70 rue Jean DOUCET
16470 Saint-Michel
More info on access


Contact Cosmetic Valley

Nathalie SIMONIN

