D-7 to register in person
Don't hesitate any longer, come and meet raw material suppliers, formulators, test companies, an agricultural cooperative, start-ups, biosourced pack suppliers, brands...
-> they are registered in addition to the Pitch:
Yves-Rocher, Silab, LysPacking, Art&Cos, Cocoricosmetic, Atlanpack, HolisteBioGemme, ElysiaBiosciences, Rivadis laboratory, wastmeup, CRT Agir, Aquitaine Sciences Transfert....
The Cosmetic Valley Cluster is organizing its fifth “Cosmetic Contact Nouvelle-Aquitaine”, on July 7, 2022 at the Eurekatech Technopole in Angoulême
So don't wait, register online
9:30 a.m .: Welcome coffee & “wall of skills of those present”
10 a.m.: Intro
Technopole Grand Angouleme
Cosmetic Valley, Soline GODET , DGA Enterprises and Territories
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, Patrice BOUTENEGRE , Regional Councilor - Elected representative of the South Charente region
10.20 a.m.: The Cosmetic Valley Pole in New Aquitaine
Soline GODET, Nathalie SIMONIN
10:30 a.m .: Round Table: Agriculture & Cosmetics New Aquitaine Agricultural Coop, Mansle Coop , Tony FOUCHE Biossent , Sophie DETERRE Color of Plants , Christelle BRUNET On The Wilde Side , Anne-Sophie NARDY |
11:30 a.m .: Start-up and Tech dynamics, Cosmetic Valley
Aline LANDIER, Cosmetic Valley
12: 30-2 :00 p.m.: Lunch cocktail
In the afternoon, an à la carte program: Wall of skills for those present / meetings / company pitches
2 p.m .: 5 company pitches
3:00 p.m .: Break + skills wall
3:30 p.m .: 5 company pitches
5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m .: Conclusion & end
Non-member of the Cosmetic Valley cluster: €40 excl. tax
member of the Cosmetic Valley Pole: €20 excl. tax
Payment required upon registration
Registration is done exclusively online, we invite you to register before July 1, 2022
Technopole EUREKATECH - Krysalide
70 rue Jean DOUCET
16470 Saint-Michel
More info on access
Contact Cosmetic Valley
Nathalie SIMONIN