Factory Diagnosis 4.0 - free online

The Beauty Fab helps you achieve your factory 4.0 digital transformation, starting with an online diagnosis of your company.


Industry 4.0, the concept of which is already 10 years old, puts the use of data at the heart of the production process to improve performance .

Unfortunately, it is struggling to be deployed on a scale throughout the French industrial sector. Not due to a lack of will, but more often due to the lack of available skills and proven methodology.


As large companies, you may already be well on your way to this process, but you need to be challenged.

As an SME, you may not know where to start.

However, this transformation creates such performance gaps that those who do not commit to it quickly will suffer from a short-term deposition.


As part of a partnership with the industrial social network www.ondustry.org , the Beauty Hub is pleased to offer you a benchmark tool for the maturity of the digitization of your operations.

Once the questionnaire is entered, you will receive:

  • Your positioning ;
  • A white paper giving you a very actionable methodology to start or accelerate your digital transformation;
  • Use case examples and tools based on your most critical improvement points.

The questionnaire takes 10-15 minutes to complete and the results will provide you with very pragmatic insights and avenues for transformation.




[email protected]

