Health safety and harmlessness of cosmetic products: discover innovative tools and expertise

Are your priorities HEALTH SAFETY and the SAFETY of cosmetic products? The Cosmetomics@Normandie platform is essential for your future innovations.

Cosmetomics@Normandie offers a wide range of innovative characterization tools and recognized expertise in scientific instrumentation to study cosmetic products (composition, structure, chemical and microbiological stability, etc.), their interactions with media (skin, hair, container …) and with the environment.

The various actors of the platform: Universities of Normandy, EsiTech, TOXEM, Biogalénys, Analyzes et Surface, Certam, LM-CBSA... provide companies and research laboratories, in complete confidentiality, with new tools for measuring state-of-the-art and skills used to characterize the safety of your products .

more information on Cosmetics@Normandie



Discover the expertise of partners and testimonials from companies using the platform.


January 18, 2022 digitally

2 p.m. - 4 p.m.






14.00 Introduction

Nicole ORANGE, Emeritus Professor of Rouen Normandy University, Founder of Cosmetomics@Normandie

Amandine GOUBERT, R&D Director, Cosmetic Valley

2.15 – 2.40 - Part I - Presentation of expert opinions


The skin microbiota at the heart of innovation in cosmetics


Laboratory of Microbiology Bacterial Communication and Antimicrobial Strategies (LM-CBSA)

Athermal plasma, an innovative solution for decontamination


GIP Technological Platform of Evreux N2S


Better understand the mechanisms of cosmetic product / skin interaction

Armelle CABIN

Materials Physics Group UMR 6634

Questions answers


2.40 – 3 p.m. Testimony of an industrial collaboration - LABORATOIRES GILBERT


Collaboration on the impact of marine solutes on the microbiome and on the respiratory tract.


15.00 – 15.30 - Part II - Presentation of expert opinions


Better understanding the functional properties of ingredients and mastering the formulation process: the keys to innovation

Michel Grisel

Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry Research Unit, Le Havre Normandy University

Characterize the mechanisms of cosmetic products

Christophe DUMOUCHEL


Measuring skin penetration of cosmetic formulas and routine chemical dosing


Questions answers


3.30 – 3.50 pm Testimony of an industrial collaboration: LUCAS MEYER COSMETICS


3:50 p.m. Closing



--> Program and registration



100% Digital Event


Contact: Florence Clouard

[email protected]


Free event reserved for Cosmetic Valley members and partners of the Cosmetomics platform




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