International R&D Connections


Come and initiate collaborations with French research!


The International R&D Connections Day will make it possible to meet international researchers and industrialists in order to discuss various innovation projects and initiate collaborations. It is also an opportunity to discover French research by visiting the Molecular Biophysics Center, CNRS - Orléans or the Institute of Organic and Analytical Chemistry – UMR 7311 - Orléans . 



This day is organized to accelerate this international dynamic, as part of Cosmetic 360 Week, in order to promote the COSMETOSCIENCES program and highlight the players in this network for the cosmetics sector. 



Do you have a cosmetic innovation project? Do you want to develop a collaboration with French researchers? 


Participate in this day by registering via this linkÀ¢â‚¬Â¯: 


Contact: Fanélie SAUVAGERE [email protected] 

