The state confirms its labeling to the pole

February 6, 2019

Press release



The Government , through the voice of Prime Minister Édouard Philippe, has just announced the labeling (or the renewal of the labelling), for the period 2019-2022, of 48 of the 56 competitiveness clusters which had submitted a request to this effect to of the General Directorate of Enterprises of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

Created in 1994, labeled in 2005, COSMETIC VALLEY , alongside other clusters which also run strategic sectors for French industry and economy (automotive, health, nuclear, digital, aeronautics, etc.) is obviously part of from this list . Already commissioned by the State to animate, on a national scale, the perfumery-cosmetics sector, an essential contributor to the trade balance of our country and employing more than 150,000 employees , it would have been abnormal for it to be otherwise.

During the examination of its file, COSMETIC VALLEY was able to assert its added value, its comparative advantage and particularly positive assets. The cluster has, in fact, been able to create a veritable "industrial fabric" between large groups and SMEs, private players and public players, building an ecosystem whose size and actions are constantly growing. Sparse of public funds, its budget is financed mainly by private funds . Its governance has freed itself from the dependency relationships between principals/subcontractors/suppliers which, in other sectors, characterize certain similar structures. In this fair and balanced organization probably lies one of the main reasons for its success since it is, among the competitiveness clusters, the one that has the most members (nearly 600 companies, 80% of which are SMEs) examining at each of its quarterly boards of directors about twenty candidates eager to join him.

Ardent defender of Made in France and its values (environmental protection, consumer safety, authenticity of raw materials, performance and innovation), COSMETIC VALLEY provides its members with an exceptional set of tools : training and conferences scientific or legal, networking, synergies and networking, setting up and assistance in financing collaborative research projects (there are currently 400 for an outstanding amount of 450 million euros) developed between manufacturers in the cosmetics sector, academic research (9 universities are cluster partners: Orléans, Rouen, Tours/François Rabelais, Versailles / Saint Quentin-en-Yvelines, Le Havre, Cergy-Pontoise, Paris 13, Paris Sud, Sorbonne University) and renowned scientific institutions (CNRS, LNE, Synchrotron Soleil ), support for start-ups through the Cosmet'up platform, and a specialized incubator in Chartres, opening of additional local branches (Marseille) and parte partnerships with new regions or new centers complementary to its activities (AURA), access to international markets and major trade fairs (Hong Kong, Dubai, Shanghai, Las Vegas, etc.).


This dynamic and concrete policy has recently seen four outcomes which are as many investments for the future : a show with an international dimension - Cosmetic 360 - created in Paris under the sign of innovation and which is asserting itself as a success of edition in edition; under the Cosmetic Clusters International Network (CCIN) label, the grouping together of some twenty global cosmetic clusters allowing COSMETIC VALLEY to engage in an offensive international strategy; co-financed by the COSME program of the European Union and mobilizing four countries (France, Spain, Portugal, Romania), a European Cosmetics4Wellbeing cluster , whose pole, demonstrating its continental dimension, took the lead; launch of an - international - House of Cosmetics in Chartres, the cluster's new headquarters, the construction of which has been entrusted by the city and its metropolis to the architecture agency Search .

Marc-Antoine Jamet, President of COSMETIC VALLEY declared " I am delighted with the labeling of our competitiveness cluster which comes in the year of the 25th anniversary of its creation and I sincerely thank the public authorities, at the forefront of between them the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Lemaire, whose support is always ours and with whom we collaborate happily. Engine of a leading French sector on the international market , COSMETIC VALLEY will continue to defend the excellence of "Made in France" in a sector of the future where our country must fight to maintain and develop its positions in an increasingly more competitive. This is why three points do not fail to worry me : first, the insistent rumors about the possibility that the State will not honor the financial promises of the Single Investment Fund (FUI); then the fact that this labeling does not put an end to the scattering, harmful in France, incomprehensible abroad, of certain sectors between several poles and, for example for ours, to the integration of the ingredients essential to our products in a uniquely regional ensemble where food flavors and fragrances of hygiene or cleaning products dominate; finally nothing is said about the organization , like what some of our foreign neighbors are doing, of missions , at a lower cost and perhaps with a different efficiency, for the time being provided by public operators such as Business France. Beyond the answers it will provide to these legitimate questions, the State must know that it can count on our work, our cooperation and our recognition.



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