Labeling of innovation projects

On October 20, the COSMETIC VALLEY Board of Directors endorsed the labeling of 12 new innovation projects!

These projects concern various subjects such as:

- the development of agricultural products and co-products (waide, flax, etc.),

- the development of industrial plant extraction technologies,

- the development of a European cosmetic,

- the development of new biosourced molecules,

- the development of new methods of distribution of cosmetic products,

- virtual reality and molecular modeling to help popularize science,

- the development of new techniques to prove the effectiveness of cosmetic products,

- ...

These projects concern the Normandy, PACA, Ile de France, Haut de France, Nouvelle Aquitaine and Centre-Val de Loire regions, as well as European partnerships.

Wherever you are, in France, do not hesitate to contact us to benefit from the support of the cluster for your innovation projects.

Whether upstream to help you identify partners or during its structuring, to achieve this labeling which will allow you to be able to rely on the official support of the sector and on communication of your results at the right time.

Contact :

Amandine Goubert, Research and Innovation Director

[email protected]

