Regulations on weighing scales - Problem sharing

Testimony of Michel Barbaise, Vice-president of Cosmetic Valley


"Our company Cegedis, following an inspection by the DIRECCTE, was criticized for not using legal metrology scales on the lines.


We countered this remark with the following facts:


1- We measure on the scale a difference in weight to know the weight of the products inside the bottle. We are in double weighing.


2- In accordance with GMP rules, we carry out weekly checks of these weighing scales with a legal metrology scale.


3- The legislation relating to this material dates back several decades and is no longer related to our working methods.


4- The annual control of the legal metrology balance imposed by law is far from being a guarantee of the reliability of the weighing.


5- My other company, Abo Cosmetiques, located in Yvelines, was not worried despite a DIRECCTE check as well.



If you have been affected by this same problem, do not hesitate to let us know.

It might be possible to form a group, a common reflection within Cosmetic Valley in order to change the legal texts or at least to have a clearly defined national position in relation to our profession..."


Please forward your experiences on this subject and your suggestions to Ségolène Leloutre

[email protected]



