Cosmetic Valley opens the “Territories & Industry” event in Orléans

Cosmetic Valley opens the “Territories & Industry” event in Orléans

Christophe Masson, Managing Director of COSMETIC VALLEY, opened the “Territories & Industry” event on Tuesday, organized by Usine Nouvelle and La Gazette des Communes in Orléans, alongside Serge Grouard, Mayor of Orléans and President of Orléans Métropole, on the theme:

“The role of clusters and competitiveness poles in territorial performance”

What are the key points?

  • Cosmetic Valley, a global reference: Created more than 30 years ago by industrialists, the association has become the world's leading cosmetic cluster. Today, it brings together 6,300 establishments and 226,000 jobs, with a major impact on our country's economy.
  • A sector and ecosystem approach: The success of Cosmetic Valley is based on a collaborative vision, which links industry, research, training and public authorities, to stimulate innovation and employment on a local, national and international scale.
  • The challenges of reindustrialization: In a complex and uncertain context, Cosmetic Valley is implementing an ambitious roadmap promoting synergies between public and private actors, to create a positive and sustainable dynamic.
  • A unique and inspiring model: The alliance between territorial anchoring and international openness makes Cosmetic Valley successful. From Chartres to Shanghai, from Orléans to Brussels, we start from the territories to strengthen the attractiveness and export of our sector throughout the world.

A message for the future: in a demanding context, let us not oppose the France of the territories to that of globalization. Let us unite public and private forces, in confidence. Let us free energies!

Cosmetic Valley Live: THE content platform dedicated to professionals in the cosmetics sector

COSMETIC VALLEY Live is a unique platform designed for professionals in the cosmetics sector. Offering access to live and replay content, it allows you to follow information related to the major issues in the sector.

COSMETIC VALLEY Live allows you to benefit from:

Live and replay access : stay informed about the latest news and trends in innovation, export market developments and regulations.

Quality content, adapted to professionals : the live events are hosted by experts and provide concrete answers and forward-looking content.

A preferred monitoring tool : access real-time sector monitoring to help you make the right decisions, remain competitive and anticipate market developments.


  • 1,800 active subscribers
  • 30 industry experts
  • 60 hours of exclusive content
  • 75 prospective webinars


  • Free for COSMETIC VALLEY members
  • €80 excluding VAT per webinar for non-members

French cosmetic exports face global challenges

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In a rapidly changing context, the excellence of the French perfume and cosmetics industry must adapt to remain competitive and innovative.

Today, during its press conference, Cosmetic Valley presents an exclusive study conducted by the Asterès firm on the international economic context of the sector. This analysis sheds light on the strategic issues discussed during the sector committee in Bercy at the end of January under the chairmanship of Marc Ferracci, Minister of Industry and Energy.

🔎 What challenges and opportunities for 2025?

COSMETIC VALLEY proposes an ambitious action plan structured around 6 strategic axes to:

✅ Boost competitiveness 🚀
✅ Support innovation 💡
✅ Strengthen the influence of French cosmetics in Europe and internationally ✨


On Tuesday, January 28, 2025, Cosmetic Valley hosted, alongside FEBEA, the 5th cosmetics industry committee chaired by Marc Ferracci , Minister for Industry and Energy.

This meeting, which brought together around thirty business leaders, brings to the government's attention strategic issues for the future of our sector:

#EconomicStrategy - remind the Government of the crucial role of the cosmetics industry for our economy.
#InvestmentsInFrance - take stock of current difficulties and the significant investments that continue to be deployed in the sector.
#InternationalCompetitiveness - highlighting the strategic issues to position the sector on the world stage in the face of increased competition.
#EnvironmentalTransition #Employment #Export - demonstrate the capacity of our sector to organize collectively to meet the major challenges of the environment, employment and exports.

This committee reaffirmed the strategic role of the cosmetics industry for the French economy and its ability to organize itself to face the major challenges of tomorrow.

In the presence of: Timothée Huré , Sabine Lemoyne , Christophe MASSON , Emmanuel Guichard , Marc-Antoine Jamet , Marc Ferracci , Louis Culot , Katel Broguière , Astrid EVEN , Mariana Caillaud , J-Pierre Yalon, Sarah Morvan , Laetitia Tabet .

regine ferrere , Franckie Béchereau , Emma Leblond , ELSA CHANTEREAU , Brucker Céline , Stephanie Rott , Simon DUFEIGNEUX , Sebastien Guerra , Jean-Paul Berthomé , Philippe d'Ornano , Shirley BILLOT , Anne-Marie GABELICA , Stephanie GASTALDIN , Aymeric Grange 🤓 , Francois Luscan , Thomas Riou , Hervé PLESSIX , Célestin Nitkowski , Mariana ROYER , Philippe MASSÉ , Marie Audren , Jean-Yves Berthon , Josiane Alirol , Thomas Pillot .

Discover La Pivoine, the magazine for the perfumery and cosmetics industry

What is Peony ?

La Pivoine magazine offers premium reading on the challenges of the sector, the strategies of managers, the latest trends and new innovations that are driving the perfumery-cosmetics sector forward.

Who is it for?

The magazine is aimed at all players in the French perfume and cosmetics industry: companies, research centers, universities, schools and regions.

How often do you publish?

La Pivoine is a biennial published in 5,000 copies which appears in:

  • April with a launch at the In-cosmetics global trade fair
  • October with a launch at the Cosmetic 360 trade fair

It is distributed throughout the year at major industry events and communicated to all COSMETIC VALLEY members.

What is its content?

We offer our readers another look at the news of the sector. A real moment of pleasure and discovery, the magazine offers an eclectic approach through prospective subjects.

  • Industrial strategies

  • Cosmetology to understand advances in R&D

  • Smart Beauty innovations

  • The discovery of territories of beauty

  • Major international events

  • Export challenges: focus on a country, codes for developing there

  • Instant coaching: technical sheets to improve your practice

  • "Unvarnished" interviews to discover business leaders, amazing personalities from the sector, talented startups

And many other sections to discover!

Each edition has a file not to be missed, for example edition no. 11 explores the subject of longevity.

Where to get it?

La Pivoine is available as an ebook (individual purchase) or by subscription (print) on the Cosmetic Valley Editions website

Can we be visible in the magazine?

Do you want to increase your visibility in the perfume and cosmetics sector? The magazine offers you several options:

  • The covers
  • The four-color pages
  • Advertorial

Download the Media Kit.pdf

What is advertorial?

It is a content marketing technique that consists of writing and distributing informative and engaging articles, while highlighting a product, brand or service in a subtle and natural way. Insertions are free as long as they respect the universe of the magazine.

Who to contact for more information?

Gabin Attal, Advertising Manager

02 37 21 68 50


Intended for professionals and students in the sector as well as the general public, COSMETIC VALLEY EDITIONS works highlight the know-how of our ecosystem and offer a technical and in-depth approach to the key concepts of our sector.

Find our 3 new products on

Marine cosmetics - The sea, source of inspiration

Authors: Roland Conanec, Delphine Pirot

The potential of marine resources is becoming more apparent every day, particularly for the cosmetics industry, which is facing many challenges. How can we continue to innovate without depleting biodiversity? How can we take into account climate change objectives when developing cosmetic products? What if the answer came from the oceans?

Safety of cosmetic products


The safety of cosmetic products is, along with the evaluation of their effectiveness, one of the two pillars on which French cosmetics are based. This is the subject of this new book coordinated by Marc Feuilloley, an expert on the subject, who has chosen to address themes that echo current events and issues that have recently emerged.

Cosmetic product regulations

Authors: Sylvie TOULGOAT

Regulations have evolved in all areas in response to social, economic and political contexts. The cosmetics industry is no exception. More careful quality controls, increased vigilance in the manufacturing of health and care products, greater transparency towards the consumer, better identification of ingredients that could be problematic, have become obligations that highlight the ethical and professional responsibilities of cosmetic manufacturers.

ADI Nouvelle-Aquitaine and COSMETIC VALLEY: A Renewed Partnership in the Service of Sustainable Innovation!

COSMETIC VALLEY and ADI-NA have renewed their partnership agreement for the next three years, for the benefit of the perfume and cosmetics industry in Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

This partnership is a strong element of the success of the development of the cosmetics sector linked to our challenges and those of the neo-Aquitaine region : innovation, naturalness, sustainability, Europe.

ADI-NA is a player in the Technical Committee of the Pole. It hosts the New Aquitaine office to facilitate exchanges, transversality, and complementarity.

For the coming years, our priorities include:
- The valorization of natural resources and the development of the circular economy
- A targeted action on micropollutants in water, in connection with the future REP (Extended Producer Responsibility) on urban wastewater
- Communication of the regional sector


Contact ADI-NA: Suzanne POITOU:


A look back at a memorable evening where we had the privilege of bringing together more than 500 players from the perfume and cosmetics industry to honor three decades of success and innovation.

The Domaine national de Chambord, a jewel listed as a UNESCO world heritage site, was the perfect setting for this exceptional event.

We thank Stéphane Bern, our members, our Vice-Presidents, our territorial and international partners for their testimony.

Thanks to our sponsors for their support: Aptar, Biokidé, Byome Labs, Crédit Agricole Val de France, Deret, EcoMundo, Groupe Gilbert, Givaudan, L'Oréal, Pharma & Beauty Group, Sisley, Solabia and VMI.


Summer is here, it's the perfect time to dive or re-immerse yourself in enriching reading with COSMETIC VALLEY Éditions books. ☀️

Aimed at professionals and students in the sector but also at the general public, our books highlight the know-how of our ecosystem and offer a technical and in-depth approach to the key concepts of our sector.

COSMETIC VALLEY Éditions is also a magazine: 𝘓𝘢 𝘗𝘪𝘷𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘦 offers premium reading on the challenges of the sector, the strategies of managers, the latest trends and new innovations that advance the perfumery-cosmetics sector. You will find in the 10th issue a complete file on Cosmetics and Sport, a 'Cosmetology' section with a focus on plant extraction, an export zoom on China: market dynamics and growth strategies and many other subjects which cover current events in our sector.

Discover all COSMETIC VALLEY Éditions publications here !

Offer of visibility in La Pivoine, the magazine for the perfumery-cosmetics sector

COSMETIC VALLEY is pleased to present the tenth edition of the perfumery-cosmetics industry magazine La Pivoine.

This reference magazine for professionals in the sector has a print run of 5,000 copies. It is aimed at all players in the French sector: companies, research centers, universities, schools and territories. La Pivoine is distributed throughout the year at major sector events and communicated to all COSMETIC VALLEY members.

This biannual offers premium reading on the challenges of the sector, the strategies of managers, the latest trends and new innovations that are moving the perfumery-cosmetics sector forward.

Check out the magazine

Our next edition will be released during the Cosmetic 360 trade show which will be held in Paris on October 16 and 17, 2024.

Do you want to strengthen your visibility in the perfumery-cosmetics sector? Contact us!

“Be seen and read in a special moment”

Download the Media Kit

Gabin Attal, Advertising Manager

Tel: 02 37 21 68 50

