June 20 promises to be a new key date for COSMETIC VALLEY. To celebrate our thirtieth anniversary, we had the honor of bringing together at the Château de Chambord nearly 500 players in the sector: professionals, decision-makers, researchers, local elected officials, State representatives and international partners coming from the four corners of the globe especially for the occasion.

This day full of emotions was punctuated by a General Assembly, a Board of Directors, a #30th anniversary ceremony chaired by Stéphane Bern, and ended with an exceptional dinner in the famous staircase room double revolution.

This gathering was an opportunity to highlight the achievements and advances of our sector, and to celebrate together three decades of innovation and industrial success. Resolutely turned towards the future, COSMETIC VALLEY as coordinator of the French #perfumery-#cosmetics sector, is committed to:

Transform: supporting companies in digital and ecological transformations

Promote: be a driving force in the economic development of territories

Contribute: legitimize the sector with regional, national and European authorities

Radiate: helping companies internationalize

We would like to sincerely thank all the participants present and:

  • Our speakers: Pierre Dubreuil, Marc Gricourt, Thierry Wasser, Christian Combeau, Brigitte Closs, Pascal Bonnet, Sylvie Chopin, Shinji Yamasaki, Kelly Youn, Marc Crous, Ivan Massari, Magarita Sidorova, Lucksupha Prabhawat​, Jérôme Hombourger, Jacques Lemare, Didier Garnier, Thibault Coulon, Arnaud Mabire, Marie-Lucienne, Rattier and Alexandra Dublanche
  • The artist Vincent Pascal for creating the fresco on the values ​​of 21st century cosmetics
  • Our partner presses L'Echo Républicain for putting its 'Front page' in the colors of COSMETIC VALLEY for a day
  • Our sponsors 30 years: Aptar, Biokédé, BYOME LABS, Crédit Agricole Val de France, Deret, Ecomundo, Groupe Gilbert, Givaudan, L'Oréal, Pharma & Beauty Group, Sisley, Solabia, VMI

Your enthusiasm, commitment and support made this day an unforgettable moment!

A look back at an exceptional day:

