InnCoCells, the European project for the development of natural assets.
The 17 partners of the InnCoCells project gathered in Nancy at PAT this week to take stock of the progress of this 4-year project aimed at validating the processes for obtaining ingredients from plants and plant cell cultures.
🌱 A project which is based on the concept of Cosmétopée, starting from the ancestral cosmetic uses of plants and promoting their current valorization. This is possible thanks to a better understanding of the mechanisms of action and thus allows the maintenance of biodiversity and the economic development of the holding territories.
COSMETICVALLEY is a partner in this project which is fully integrated into the European themes worked within the framework of the Acct4Cosmetics working groups.
🔔 Find the presentation of the project results on COSMETIC 360 , on October 16 & 17 in Paris.