A look back at the conference "the future of the European cosmetics industry" in Brussels

As part of the European interregional partnership Go4Cosmetics, the Centre-Val de Loire and Lombardy regions organized a conference to discuss the future of the European cosmetics industry, with the support of COSMETIC VALLEY, and REI - Reindustria Innovazione, development and coordinator of the Lombardy Cosmetics System.

The event was hosted by the European Committee of the Regions in Brussels on Monday July 3, in the presence of European institutions and players in the cosmetics industry.

Today, the industry wishes to draw the attention of the European institutions to its challenges and to the need to be considered as a priority industry. Indeed, while some sectors of the cosmetics industry value chain are recognized as key industries by the EU, the cosmetics industry as a whole is not yet part of the 14 European priority industrial ecosystems. European programs do not target the cosmetics industry as an application sector, which considerably limits access to funding. This lack of recognition therefore has direct impacts on academic and industrial players.

On July 3, the cosmetic ecosystems of European regions came together to present their joint research and innovation strategy to accelerate transitions and remain competitive in the face of increased international competition.

Panel 1: Strategies for Success: Navigating the Green and Digital Transitions in the Cosmetics Industry

  • Mr. John Chave, General Manager, Cosmetics Europe
  • Ms Hettel Varik, Legal Officer working on the Cosmetics Regulation, DG GROW F2 “Bioeconomy, chemicals, cosmetics” - European Commission
  • Mr Michael Berz, Project adviser at European Innovation Council and SME Executive Agency (EISMEA) - European Commission
  • Ms Ilaria Massari, General Manager, REI and Lombardy Cosmetic System (IT)
  • Mr Célestin Nitkowski, Chemical Engineer, Bio Strategist Guyane SAS (FR)

Panel 2: Staying Ahead of the Game: Tackling International Competition in the Cosmetics Industry

  • Ms Marie-Pierre Vedrenne, Member of European Parliament (International Trade Commission)
  • Mr. Luca Nava, General Manager, COSMETICA ITALIA (IT)
  • Mr Ivan Borrego, General Manager, Beauty Cluster (SP)
  • Mr Ivan Massari, Vice President, Polo della Cosmesi (IT)
  • Ms Caroline Plougastel, Head of Innovation Capital, Chanel Parfums Beauté (FR)

Round table 3: Meeting the Cosmetics Industry challenges: Harnessing new Opportunities through Research, Innovation and Skills

  • Mr Massimiliano Salini, Member of European Parliament (Industry, Research and Energy Commission)
  • Ms Valentina Pinna, Project adviser at European Innovation Council and SME Executive Agency (EISMEA) - European Commission
  • Ms Ana Palmeira de Oliveira, Representative University of Beira Interior, President Cosmetic Cluster PT, CEO Labfit – HPRD Lda (PT)
  • Ms Valentina Nucera, General manager Fondazione ITS New Technology for Made in Italy (IT)
  • Mr Luca Fumagalli, Professor at Politecnico di Milano (IT)
  • Ms Emilie Destandau, Professor at University of Orléans and coordinator CosmetoSciences (FR)


  • Ms Anne Besnier, Vice-President for Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Center Val de Loire Region
  • Mr Christophe Masson, General Manager, COSMETIC VALLEY

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