COMET Congress - Call for oral communications until October 4th

COMET Congress - Call for oral communications and posters


📆 The COMET (Cosmetic Measurement & Testing) congress returns for its 6th edition on January 22 and 23, 2025.

Its aim is to bring together players in the sector, both academic and industrial , in order to share and disseminate the latest scientific and technological advances in the field.



🧬 Understanding skin-nail-hair biological media, and their interactions with the cosmetic product is a major challenge for the sector.

In a context of transition integrating an increasing use of natural compounds and an acceleration of new technologies, the testing and measurement sector is more than ever at the heart of research and innovation in our sector.

The methods developed must make it possible to best anticipate the mechanisms of action as well as those of degradation (during storage or use), to offer high-performance products (biological, sensory, etc.), while preserving safety for humans and the environment as a priority. For each of these objectives, instrumentation is a key tool.

Thus, the work covered by this call for papers can relate to fundamental research issues, while maintaining an application dimension to cosmetics.


📢 The Scientific Committee, made up of experts in the field, is launching a call for oral communications and posters on the following subjects :

  1. Measuring instrumentation (physical and virtual reality)
  2. Safety assessments
  3. Sensory, biological and clinical efficacy evaluations
  4. Models for the study of product/skin/dander interactions (in vitro/ex vivo/skin on chip/in vivo)
  5. Use of digital methods (Big Data, AI, In Silico, etc.)
  6. OMIC technologies
  7. Models and tools for understanding the exposome
  8. Ecotoxicity assessment tools

✅Call for oral communications until October 4, 2024

✅Call for papers post until December 6, 2024


Do you want to present your work and speak at the congress?

👉 To submit your abstract, click HERE


More information

Fanny Audouit - [email protected]


A congress organized by COSMETIC VALLEY and CY Cergy Paris University. With the support of the Agglomeration of Cergy Pontoise, and in partnership with the Réseau Mesure.


